Serial Mediation Model of Leader Member Interaction in Work Values and Job Satisfaction


Nowadays, enterprises state that one of the most important factors in creating a competitive advantage is qualified human resources; they aim to bring their employees, who care about their job satisfaction and happiness, in their institutions for long years. The fact that employees are highly satisfied with their jobs depends on their ability to identify their expectations and needs, their behavioral and cognitive characteristics. An individual’s behavioral and cognitive characteristics as well as one of the important factors affecting the expectations and needs are individual’s values. Therefore, the correct determination of the values depends on the positive contribution of the employees to their interaction, choices and work outcomes. In this study, by determining the business values of clinical and laboratory workers in the field of assisted reproductive techniques in the health sector, the mediation effect of leader-member interaction is questioned in relation to job values and job satisfaction. The relationships between the variables were analyzed by establishing two different serial mediation models and as a result of the relationship between business values and job satisfaction, it was seen that the mediator variables affecting the leader-member interaction were also related to each other.

Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Science, 18(37),1-26
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Ali Mertcan Köse
Ali Mertcan Köse
Ph.D. in Statistics

My research interests include latent variable modeling,supervised learning and bayesian statistics.