The aim of this study is ANOM or Non Parametric ANOM test can be used approach as an alternative to ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis method in that all groups are equal and at least one alternative hypothesis is different. Data taken from the official statistics page of YÖK and 6 faculties were selected and hypothesis that there is difference in terms of number of students, number of academician and number of student for each academician between the faculties is tested using R software “ANOM” package. Because Data is non normal, Non Parametric ANOM test is used. According to Non Parametric ANOM, number of students in Faculty of Education (p=0.023) and Faculty of Arts and Science (p=0.033) were higher than sample mean; Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Healthy Science (p<0.001) were lower than sample mean. Number of academician in Faculty of Medicine (p<0.001) and Faculty of Arts and Science (p=0.004) were higher than sample mean; Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science (p<0.001) and Faculty of Healthy Science (p<0.001) were lower than sample mean. Number of student for each academician in Faculty of Education (p=0.001) and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science (p<0.001) were higher than sample mean; Faculty of Healthy Science (p<0.001) was lower than sample mean. Kruskal Wallis and Non Parametric ANOM results are different, which was found.
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